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Basement Waterproofing
& Foundation Repair

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BT - Service Area - Drain Repair

BT Service Area - Drain Repair Services

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View our drain repair service area in Ontario. Services including: backwater valve installations, sewage backup, downspout disconnect, drain replacement services and water main installations.

Southern Ontario - Drain Repair:

Drain repairs require a lot of experience as they are encased in concrete and vary widely from house to house due to their age and changing practices. We strive to ensure ourĀ drain repair servicesĀ are done with efficiency, accuracy and speed to minimize disruption for our clients. It's for this reason that we keep within a 30km radius of our location in Hamilton, ON. We at BT ensure that the time spent on: backwater valve installations, downspout disconnections, drain replacements, sewage backup prevention and water main replacement services is maximized with efficiency.

Southern Ontario - Foundation Repair Service Area

Local Areas Include:

Hamilton, ON Ancaster, ON Burlington, ON
Dundas, ON Flamborough, ON Glanbrook, ON
Oakville, ON Mississauga, ON Stoney Creek, ON

Note: If you do not see your city within this list, please contact us for more information about whether or not we can service your area. We would be happy to provide our services outside the indicated area if travel time is reasonable.

Local Government Subsidy Programs:

Hamilton - 3P Program (Protective Plumbing):
Get up to $2,000.00 in goverment subsidy for essential protective plumbin service installs within the Greater Hamilton Area.



Halton Region - Flood Prevention Program:
Get up to $2,725.00 in goverment subsidy for essential sanitary sewer system service installs within the Halton Region.


In-Home Estimate

FREE Estimate


Extra work was easily arranged at excellent value.

RATING 10/10 ~ Mr. Siewertsen (Waterdown, ON)

Professional and friendly. Polite and Courteous.

RATING 10/10 ~ Mr. & Mrs. Ford (Bolton, ON)

MORE » Client Testimonials


Halton Flood Subsidy Program Hamilton 3P Plumbers Program

Get rebates on: DRAIN WORK, BACK WATER VALVE'S, SUMP PUMPS, and WATERPROOFING in your local area.

MORE » Halton Region | Greater Hamilton

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