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BT- Crack Injection Warranty

Concrete Crack Injection Warranty

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Browse through Basement Technologies® concrete crack injection, exterior crack repair, rod hole injection and carbon fibre crack repair service warranties. Basement Technologies not only backs up our workmanship, we also offer fully warrantied services.

2-Separate Warranty Options:

Epoxy Concrete Crack Injection Warranty


Concrete crack injections are by far the most; cost-effective way to prevent water from penetrating your home, not to mention, which also allows you to finish your basement in a timely fashion. Don't be fooled by warranties which will not be honered by new companies launching every year. Basement Technologies® will always be there to honor our warranties. View the Epoxy used in our crack injections.

Carbon Fibre Crack Repair Warranty - ADD ON!


  • LIFETIME - Fortress Stabilization Manufacturer's Warranty
  • 4x Carbon Fibre Stabilization Staples
  • Staples Applied Overtop of Existing Epoxy Crack Injection
  • Foundation Guaranteed not to Move
  • Foundation Crack Guaranteed not to Shift Further
  • Foundation Crack Stabilized, Structure Stabilized

Fortress Stabilization LIFETIME Warranty

Carbon Fibre Staple Crack Repair The addition of Carbon Fibre Staples to structural cracks in your foundation is the first-rate method of repairing your home's foundation. Cracks located at the base of your windows pose a threat to the structurual integrity. Basement Technologies® highly recommends solidifying your foundation by installing Carbon Fibre Staples along with our Epoxy Crack Injection.

NOTICE: Basement Technologies® reserves the right to change or modify all warranties without prior notice. Any outstanding warranties will be honoured if the warranty for that service should change.


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I think they were great. They did not mind at all when I watched or asked questions. I thought the whole process was pretty neat and would recommend Basement Technologies again. They were awesome and their co workers did a great job.

RATING 10/10 ~ Mrs. Kahlen (Stoney Creek, ON)

I appreciated the comprehensive explanation of the project and the attention paid to my questions and pocketbook. Your professionalism and desire to do an excellent job was evident.

~ Ms. DeSoer (Hamilton, ON)

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